Saturday, December 13, 2008


I enjoy blogging with Blogger I did get frustrated with some of the technology but nothing major. I did have trouble posting pictures other than that Blogger was easily to use. I like how easily it was for me to gain access to my blog whether I was at school,work or home. Overall blogging on Blogger was fun since I never blog before it was enjoyable to read the blogs and the comments. Writing at least 250 words every entry was a little difficult for some of the topics.

Meeting the entry deadline was not difficult because we only had class one day a weekand the deadline was Tuesday the following week. I think that was enough time to get it done. Should there be a deadline I think yes because we need entry done on time so we could comments. If there was no deadline many students would not bother to do the blogs on time since we got points for doing them on time the deadline made sense. For the comments I like that people was respectful when they made comments on other students blogs. I for one appreciated whtever comments was left on any of my posts.

Blogging was different from other kinds of writing that I have done before I did not have to worry about grammar and the topics was interesting. I learn a lot about how to live green. I now have a better understanding of what it means to live green. Reading some of the blogs that my classmates wrote was interesting. I was impress with the information some was able to find I also like the visual affects some people post on their blogs. I hope to continue blogging after this class if my schdule permits it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas has become all about retail so every year a bunch of nonsense goes on sale cheap and many people who don’t know better or can afford anything better buy these craps. That should never have been made. I think the Christmas holidays need a face lift especially since everyone decided that they all needed flat screen television at the same time that a man lose his life. I can never understand what all the fuss is about Christmas has become about excess for adults and kids. During christmas a lot of useless gifts pop up for instance why was this product made men don't need a wallet to put in front of their pants instead of the back.What will someone do with a mouse playing piano a dancing dog. All of these gifts are priced either from 19.95 to 29.95 and comsumers are sucker into buying these craps that no one will use. That is why we Americans have so much waste we spend our money on nonsense.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Awesome Blog

I think the blog Practical Environmentalist is awesome because of it contents are related able. I love the blog on bottle caps because I always wonder what and how some items are recycled. This blog does not focus on one environmental problem or tell you what you should or should be doing. I also loved that there are pictures accompanying the blog entries.

I love the blog written on November 1st, 2008 under the heading Bottle caps and recycling---are they recyclable? I love this entry because it explains the process that goes on what your garbage reaches these recycling plants. I also love that ideas are given on what to do with items that are not recyclable. I loved that show pictures on what to do with bottle caps I might try some of these things.

The blog is awesome because it is very informative and well written. I don’t feel preach to just facts and ways to improve the environment. The section 21 Practical Ways to Help the Environment gives good suggestions on how to live green by changing simple things in your life. I am going to try some of their suggestion especially the one about fixing leaks in your home and the thermostats.

I hope this blog is awesome to others but for me it is awesome because I will be able to follow some of their suggestions without having to spend money. I used to believe to live or go green I would have to change everything in my life. Change is really hard but reading some of this blog suggestion I can go green by taking baby steps and still make a difference.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Blog on Group Presentations

It was really nice to learn about other people’s religion and how environment plays a role. It was nice to learn that Islam is a one of most peaceful religion since many people and the media believe otherwise. I think if as a people we take time to learn others religions beliefs we might have a better understanding of each other. I especially like how most of the religions that were discussed have respect for the environment and the animals.

As humans we tend to treat animals very cruel by invading their space and destroying their homes for your own selfish needs. It was nice to learn that most of these religions forbid mistreating animals. One of the teachings of Islam that I found interesting is that they believe that nature should be seen as a mirror which reflects the power beauty, wisdom of its creator. Which I totally agree with God created the earth and as humans we should be thankful and respectful.

I also enjoy learning about the World of Daoism with ying and the yang I believe in that belief about that balance can’t have love without hate. The simplicity of which most of these religions teach their followers to live their life is good for the environment.

From these presentations I was able to come away with a better understanding of these religions. I think other religions should tried be more environmental friendly which would make a better world for all of us. Since most people live and believe in what their religions say is right.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My research topic is how illegal timbering, the world needs for logs and Indonesia’s government has destroy half of they country forests, putting the country wildlife and some tribes out of their homes.

1) I picked this topic because Indonesia forest has been declining at an increase rate which threatens communities and the environmental implications will be devastation.

2) Illegal activities by the government and others have destroyed most of Indonesia forest. Causing landslide, floods and even fires yes some people start fires leaving parts of the country in thick smog.

3) How foreign corporations are destroying Indonesia forest and putting the citizens of this country in danger. The world needs for wood is to blame for some of the illegal activities that destroy Indonesia’s forest.

I will be adding and researching this topic in full extent for now this is what I have.

Monday, October 27, 2008


I think dumpster diving is a little extreme. I know that as a nation we have a lot of waste but diving into dumpster. Are you for real? I do believe that some people do throw away things that many people can use. With that being said boycotting all corporation because they are all about profits is not realistic. We all as humans at one time or another have to whether we want to or not support some form of corporations. In one of the piece I read that some dumpster divers got fed up because no matter what they do they ending up supporting a corporation well duh. Of course corporations make things that we need to survive. I know many people will like to say they don’t watch TV or a microwave is not necessary. I however came from a country where we didn’t have some things that we now have and life is much easier. Can I live without some of the things that make my life easier yes.

I am also fed up with the waste that is created by people throwing out things that can be repair or restored. I am guilty of this practice yes I am proud of it no but it is something I am trying to work on. It is hard because every time I watch TV read a newspaper I see commercials with things that make me say oh I need that when in reality I don’t. After reading some of things about dumpster diving. I realize that I should try to take things and get them repair instead of just throwing them away.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Watching too much TV is something I feel that I do a lot of I am trying to cut back. On average I watch say maybe 8 hours a week of TV. I don’t know maybe less since most of my time is now spending doing school work mines or my kids. But TV is something I do and wish if I could find something else to entertain me. When I get home from school or work after I finish my chores I will just turn on the TV and watch home improvement shows, cooking or Disney with my kids.

Surfing the internet I do a lot of when I am at work. Since I work at the Library when I am supposed to be working I am usually surfing the internet. Soon as I go into work first thing I do is go on the internet to read some mindless gossip about celebrities. I also love to surf the internet at work to shop for clothes, shoes or anything else that interest me. Since I work in such slow environment I only surf the internet when I am at work I spend about maybe 10 hours a week on the internet because I always on go many times during the day. I usually don’t use the internet at my house.

Shopping is something I love to do whether it is on the internet or in stores I love a good sale. It is not as if I have a problem like some people who maxed out all of their credit cards. I tried to never use my credit cards to buy clothes which most of the time I can do with out. It is just something to do instead of watching TV and surfing the internet. I shop mostly whenever I see a sale and believe that this is such a good bargain I can pass up.

When I think of some of my leisure activities I would love to give up watching TV. I love to spend more time going places with my children. It is something I am trying very hard to do instead of staying home and watching TV I would love to just take the train and go to a museum. What is stopping me you ask after I worked a 35 hours a week job and go to a 9 hours a week school I am tried and just wants to relax. Unfortunately TV does that but I am trying to get my priorities straight and make that a reality.

I really don’t have a leisure time schedule I used to read two books a week but don’t anymore that is something I would love to do more of. Shopping and surfing the internet brings me the joy because for two hours or more I get to forget about life and its problems and just focus on if that jeans will fit or on some nonsense that I am reading on Most of all spending time with my children brings me the most joy I just have to find more meaningful activities to do with them. Instead of surfing the internet for gossip and clothes maybe I can look up for things to do with my family that does not cost a lot of money.