Monday, October 27, 2008


I think dumpster diving is a little extreme. I know that as a nation we have a lot of waste but diving into dumpster. Are you for real? I do believe that some people do throw away things that many people can use. With that being said boycotting all corporation because they are all about profits is not realistic. We all as humans at one time or another have to whether we want to or not support some form of corporations. In one of the piece I read that some dumpster divers got fed up because no matter what they do they ending up supporting a corporation well duh. Of course corporations make things that we need to survive. I know many people will like to say they don’t watch TV or a microwave is not necessary. I however came from a country where we didn’t have some things that we now have and life is much easier. Can I live without some of the things that make my life easier yes.

I am also fed up with the waste that is created by people throwing out things that can be repair or restored. I am guilty of this practice yes I am proud of it no but it is something I am trying to work on. It is hard because every time I watch TV read a newspaper I see commercials with things that make me say oh I need that when in reality I don’t. After reading some of things about dumpster diving. I realize that I should try to take things and get them repair instead of just throwing them away.


Doctor X said...

Well, there you are. One or two things repaired is one or two things that don't go to the trash and that's better than what we were doing yesterday. :-)

VIVIANA said...

Thats very true! I believe that there's so many things that we throw away instead of Reusing them! I've seen on TV that theres many people now creating homes out of garbage, such as cans, papers, and so on. We dont often realize the many things we still can use again!! I am also like you!!! Whenever I see a commercial i just say "ohhh I need to get that" ... When i really dont!!! :(

DarkSkyLady said...

There are a lot of things that we can reuse but we dump them because we don't want to make the effort to get it repaired. There are also places that were made more eco friendly. There was a hospital I think mentioned on Planet Green that was the most eco-friendly and actually saved them costs in regards to heating and air conditioning because the hospital was built in such a way that it can maintain a regulated temperature without all of the things people feel they need.