Saturday, November 15, 2008

Blog on Group Presentations

It was really nice to learn about other people’s religion and how environment plays a role. It was nice to learn that Islam is a one of most peaceful religion since many people and the media believe otherwise. I think if as a people we take time to learn others religions beliefs we might have a better understanding of each other. I especially like how most of the religions that were discussed have respect for the environment and the animals.

As humans we tend to treat animals very cruel by invading their space and destroying their homes for your own selfish needs. It was nice to learn that most of these religions forbid mistreating animals. One of the teachings of Islam that I found interesting is that they believe that nature should be seen as a mirror which reflects the power beauty, wisdom of its creator. Which I totally agree with God created the earth and as humans we should be thankful and respectful.

I also enjoy learning about the World of Daoism with ying and the yang I believe in that belief about that balance can’t have love without hate. The simplicity of which most of these religions teach their followers to live their life is good for the environment.

From these presentations I was able to come away with a better understanding of these religions. I think other religions should tried be more environmental friendly which would make a better world for all of us. Since most people live and believe in what their religions say is right.


Dong_kyu said...

Inevitably, we cannot live without the nature. All religions have different concepts, but the common thing is that we have to keep the environment clean.

We cannot recover the nature destroyed by humans, but we do change the conditions of the nature little by little by our efforts!

THGYGHY said...

Religion guide us to maintain a peaceful life . I like your thoughts !

abc123 said...

You are absolutly right about the Islam religion. The media does make it out to be one of the worst religions when its only that we have different views.