Sunday, September 28, 2008

blog 2

Since I was a little girl growing up in Guyana my passion was to become a teacher. After high school I went to work for Queens Library and teaching was no longer a passion of mine because I discovered that I really loved reading and doing what librarians do even though the work can be a little boring. But I am not looking for adventure just something that is interesting and what I love. And hopefully pays well. I might later changed my mind and go back to teaching. If all goes well this will be my last semester at LaGuardia and I hope to continue my studies at York College.

Passions change all the time depending on what phase we are in life. I am gratefully to Mr. Gore for making the environment a passion of his because I learned a lot from his book and movie. Since I already work with the public I know that whenever I learned something new I can share with others. Also at work whenever a coworker asks how school going I make sure to share with them what I have learned from this class so far.

I was very impress with Mr. Gore because sometimes when you have to take certain class I always wonders what does this have to do with my major will I ever use this in the real world. For instance I have to take intro to language for liberal’s arts social science humanities degree. I am sure I will never use any of what I learned from that class in real life.
After I saw the movie An Inconvenient Truth and listen to how Mr. Gore took class that had nothing to do with his major and found his passion. I have learned you never know where inspirations can come. For instance I did not want to take this class I was thinking God why I already have sixty credits. I am happy I did because I am learning such interesting things that will only improve how I lived my life.

How will I change or make the world a better place after I leave LaGuardia? I hope to follow Mr. Gore example to first educate my self and then share whatever I learned with others. Caring is sharing is really a true statement because if Mr. Gore did not care he would have just kept what he learned to himself. I know he had to work hard to get the public’s attention but he never give up. I hope to always remember Mr.Gore example to never give up in something you believed in even if people don’t share your views.


Ewa said...

Your blog is very enjoyable to read! I too hope that I will find something interesting and that pays well. I also agree that we have to try new things in order to find our likes and dislikes. Mr. Gore was very fortunate to find his passion in a place he wasnt even looking for it.

Doctor X said...

I totally agree with Ewa--your entries are lovely; I want to come back and learn more.

And it is true: we are ALWAYS learning, even when we don't think we are, and we can't tell when we will put what we have learned to good use.

Stephanie's Blog said...

Well lol i c we have a couple of things in common... this is my last year and i also want to continue my studies at york college. But in all honest not everyone know exactly what they want to do after all the schooling, it takes time... so i hope you find your path and be something great:)

DarkSkyLady said...

Overall the feel of your blog is very good. I love the different flowers being shown on the upper right. You're also really going in-depth in regards to the assignments, especially the first one and realizing all of the things you do or don't do that hurt the environment.

The only thing that is not aesthetically pleasing is your class list as it has the students urls rather than their names (some of them are very long). If you could change them to the students names, that would look better.

Your paragraphs are broken up into clear ideas which makes it easier for other to read and follow. More images on your posts would be really good as it would add more visuals to your blog. For example, you could maybe find a picture by googling images of Queens Library, where you work and post it alongside your blog.

You could also personalize the blog's title. Rather than lib200, giving a really catchy name or a name that reflects you and your values. Also add a picture on your page with the new title. A picture of your family or something that represents you. You are definitely giving us an inside look of your views and your obvious affection for your children with words, now we need something visual. (If you don't want to post a pic of yourself and your family you could post a pic of a mother and child?)

Sorry the comments were so long.